Sunday, August 26, 2012

10 Day Mental Check

Hola! Check Check Mental Check.  I'm having a hard time figuring out what to write about tonight since I haven't been able to run in 10 freakin' days.  You don't come here to read about my day to day boring ass life so I'm gonna try to pull somethin' out here that you might be interested in.

It's been a tough 10 days and I've had a few breakdowns in the meantime just feeling like every couple of weeks I get behind on my training again with some injury.  But, luckily for me I have a few little birdies whispering in my ear trying to keep me alive and motivated.  It is sooo hard not being able to run and feel like you're sinking and don't have enough time to get prepared.  This is such a huge thing and I'm sacrificing a lot to get to this day.  

So, I have been on a mission to find things to keep my cardio up and help to get me more strong.  I started Jilian Michaels crossfit video and was only able to do that for a couple days because it was irritating my hip further.  So, I decided to take a step back on that for a few days and went to yoga.  Oh yeah, then I went to Happy Hour on Thursday (haven't done that in a while).  Like, a real Happy Hour, where I stayed out late and was totally hung to the moon on Friday.  So, because of that I did absolutely no workout on Friday.  But, I sooo needed that night out.  Oh yeah, retail therapy (NEW SHOES!!!) to help as well with the random depression.  So, all in all the week ended pretty well.

In the midst of everything throughout the week I discovered a new awesome amazing website called  The chick on here is so cute gets you movin' w/her videos and she is mad STACKED (yep, I said that).  She's a clean eater (which I'm on the verge of moving into), she has an awesome blog, she's so inspiring, designs Gorgeous gym/yoga bags (gotta get me one!), she cooks and gives you the recipes of easy things that I think even I can manage.  (oh yeah, and Maribel has a girl crush on her, lol).  She's amazing!  Did I say that already??
Anyways, so after recovering my hangover, I was finally able to get out of bed on Saturday and I immediately got on the web, turned on her website, pulled up some videos and wound up doing 6 videos to equal an hour of workouts.  Needless to say, she kicked my ASS!!!  During the videos you find yourself screaming @ the computer "Are you fucking kidding me!!!"  But, she just has a way to keep you doing it.  I I did like 25 burpees on Saturday doing these vids.  BURPEES!!!!  Then still managed to get in my plankaday.  (Crap!  I still need to do that tonight!)  I try to get in my 1 minute plank every day.  Priorities people!!!

Sunday I woke up sooooo sooooorrreeee from the vids yesterday, BUT (big BUT) my hip wasn't hurting and it hasn't hurt in a few days.  I was going to wait until Tuesday to run again, but today I just felt like I couldn't wait.  Maybe not the smartest decision I've made in a day or so, but I did it.  I went for a run and ended up going out for over 3 miles.  I had a decent pace and felt really good.  My hip didn't hurt and things have been good so far.  My legs and glutes are still sore from all the lunges and squats on Saturday, but that's a good hurt and I definitely know the difference.  I'm gonna rest on Monday and do my workout vids tomorrow and I plan on going after it again on Tuesday morning!  I have a physical therapy appointment on Friday so I'm hoping that's gonna help some things too.

All I wanna do is keep running and get to this damn November 4th!  I enjoy running but these things are making it really hard to keep going.  This is what I want to do and I want to feel good about it.  But, I'm going to keep going because that's what I do.  I do what I want to do, I'm all I've got!!  Cassey Ho says Train Insane or Stay the Same.  I'm a believer.  Striving to be my best no matter what and push past these limits.

I hope you have a blessed week!  Keep moving to your goals and pushin' it.
What are some of your goals for the year and what are you doing to get there?  Have you accomplished any or all of them for the year?


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