So let me start of by thanking my best friend Kyndra for letting me guest blog for her and adding some testosterone to her page. If you havent guessed it yet...I'm the black guy. Lol!..Heres a brief synopsis of me and my journey to SMASH 26.2 mi.thru the streets of NYC!!!
My name is Lloyd and my story is one of Llife. Some of the lowest lows and some of the highest highs....Sort of like when running long distances. Running has got me thru some really tough times since I started a yr and a half ago. I wont bore you with the lows I'll just dazzel you with the highs.. because theres been far more of those! :-)
Febuary 6th 2011!! my first race!! Yes thats SNOW!!! Crazy right? It was a 4 mi race through Central park. Yeah it was pretty cold, but by the end I was warm for sure. I ran an 11min pace exactly, 44.mins. I was 4940 out of 5813..that means I beat 873 New Yorkers!! 2725 out of 3006 males, so I left 281 men in my dust!! (Stats provided by the good folks at New York Road Runners)
That's who I qualified through. I had to run 9 races and volunteer. Races ranged between 4mi and 9.3 (15k), to my longest the Staten Island Half Marathon.
13.1 mi ran in 2hrs and 24min and 46sec! MAJOR!!!! It was an Amazing feeling needless to say I was hooked! I was 4493 out of 5304, 811 runners smoked!!! Okay im done bragging..cause I got dusted too by 4492! doesnt quite have the same ring to it does it? Lol..
I've been lucky to not have had any major injuries, thank God. Altho I do have my occasional ache and pain, I try to just take it easy and run at a low impact pace. My last race in New York was the Scotland 6 mi run. Finished in 57mi.41sec.
It was a really fun race, people had their face painted like Mel Gibson in Braveheart! I mean face fully painted one side white, the other blue! Crazy!
I left New York and returned home to Oklahoma and have been training daily. getting up at 5am to beat the heat.
Which is very hard to do, but I have a goal to accomplish so theres no choice. Plus I really love running...and Im a lover of music so Its nice to find different songs to run to. To me music has a different effect on me when Im running, Its like its my own little soundtrack to my journey. I ran to a Kanye and Jay "Watch the Throne" mix today for my 10 mi run...and it was so perfectly fitting.
I started w/ "lift off"!! Man, its like pure energy!!! The horns and Beyonce goin off! It really set the the tone for a good pace.
Well, I could go on but I'll stop there. 3 mi tomorrow will make a total of 24mi this week. Next sat 16mi!! The saga continues...
Thanks for taking the time to be a part of my journey. See you at the finish line.
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