I'm feeling so good! Feet are good, legs are good, heart is keeping up and we're workin' hard! 5am runs are on track and I'm right on schedule! I have to tell you, this is all I'm doing right now. It's all I think about, it's all I wanna do when I get off work and it's all I've been looking forward to on my weekend. However, my buddy Maribel is on her way back from London and I'm sure we'll have some catch up time comin' our way. I'm so excited. We have a booze cruise coming up, and we wanna get out of the city for a weekend as well. I digress.
I've been trying to work in some yoga and gym time during the week, but it's really hard. I don't get home til after 9p and sometimes after 10p if I do yoga. Class doesn't start til 730p. It puts me on a late schedule and I come home eat something real quick and hit the sheets for my early morning. I'm usually out of bed by 430 to get some protein and food in before I hit the road. I eat once before my run and eat again before I head out the door for work. I'm ALWAYS hungry!!! ALWAYS!!!!!!!! I can't say I have the best eating habits right now either. Diana and I were talking the other day and I feel like all this running just gives me permission to not eat as well. The guy @ the ferry on Wednesday looked @ me like I had 10 heads when I told him I wanted 2 glazed donuts. I looked back @ him and said YES, 2 PLEASE!! You have no idea. I'm starting to be a mean chicken spaghetti maker (w/whole wheat pasta), but I just can't get that damn sauce to noodle ratio down. I always have way too many noodles for the sauce.
Anywhoooooooo. My runs went really well this week. Oh yeah, I joined Twitter...FML! So, follow me. I think you can find me under Kyndra Clawson or Start2Finish12. I'm not really sure which one. It's all so confusing. Do you really have to type all those @ signs & #'s all the time? Like, I don't get it. But whatever, I assume I'll get it down pat in no time. It hasn't even been 24 hours yet. I've only tweeted once so far. (I always wanna call it "twatting", btw). LOL.
Okay, back to running...We had an "easier" week this week. Only 24 miles total which included Tues 3M, Wed 4M, and Thurs 4M. Diana and I couldn't figure out if Thurs was 3 or 4 miles when we got to Nike Town, but LL set us straight on that one. I struggled through Central Park on Thursday. I need to run out there more often. Those hills are a BITCH!!! But, we conquered through the steaming humidity and by the time I got home I was STARVING!!! No surprise there.
Friday was rest night and so I did.
I was up on Saturday and on the Ferry by 7a, and on the road by about 745. NYC for 3 weeks has had summerstreetsNYC where they close Park Ave from BK Bridge for about 7 miles up to 72nd street and you can enter CP. They have tons of FREE activities for people to partake in such as bike riding, ziplining, rock climbing, art, and glorious views of Grand Central and running through that tunnel.
So, my plan was to run up Broadway to BK bridge and do the ZipLining.
Dude, it started @ 7a, and I was there by 8a and they were already full for the day!! (That's NY for ya! You snooze you loooooze) I would've loved to do that before I got really into my run, but I sucked it up and kept going and started my way up Park Ave. This was an AWESOME run!! I loved it. It went by so quickly. There were so many people out taking advantage of all the free stuff going on and the goodies being handed out. It was so cool to see all the runners running up and down Park Ave to get their runs in for the day. I took a few pics along the way and my Pace ended up being better on this 10 mile run that it has in a while. I couldn't believe it! The whole time I was thinking my app had to be wrong, but I'm just goin w/it and saying it was right. I ended in 1 hour 43 mins with a 10.20 pace. WHATWHAT!!! I ended up in Central Park feelin' good, got my stretch on and relaxed by a little pond for a while. Little duckies came by to congratulate me on a job well done. Took my shoes off and enjoyed the beautiful day for a while. Afterwards, I got back on the subway and headed back home where I chowed, napped, painted a little bit, watched TV and chilled for the rest of the day. For some, it might not have been too eventful, but my cup runneth over right now. I'm feeling good and feeling positive.
I was thinking and telling LL the other day that I can't believe we just might do this. You mean, I'm gonna follow this schedule every day for the next 3 months until the marathon!?!?!? I'm pretty hyped right now. I gotta stay positive, stay healthy, and motivated. This week's gonna be a tough one. I've got 32 miles ahead of me. That means 6 miles on Tuesday and 16 MILES on Saturday. I'm gonna hit up the NYC City summerstreets again and gonna get me some of that free stuff this time. I missed out on Saturday b/c I was starving and all I could think about was getting home and eating. :). Ahhh...the life of a runner. j/k.
I got in some yoga today to stretch out my old lady muscles and now I'm ready. I've got some things to do this evening which include Eating, bubetube and getting ready for the week. Oh yeah and washing my stinky ass running clothes. Sometimes I'm afraid I'm gonna get kicked off the train due to my stench, but I guess it's not as bad as others.
I'll catch ya on the FLIP SIDE!!!!
P.S. Make sure you check out Bigdaddy's blog from yesterday. He's got some good stuff in there!!! I posted it on fb and TWITTER!
P.P.S....Share my blog on your page. I'd love to get some perspectives from other people w/fitness goals, how they handle everything and what they do to stay inspired. Just hit the Share this page to FB or TWITTER on the right hand side. Let's get this partay STARTED!!!!
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