Just a bit of a background. 2 1/2 years ago I finally decided to lose weight through WeightWatchers online. I loved it, I succeeded, and I lost @ the most 45 lbs. I have happily kept it off through these 2 years. Go ME! However, it has taken tons of hard work, watching what I eat (mostly proportions), and TONS of exercise. When I started this whole thing I was doing yoga, bike riding, running @ Nike Town in Central park 2 days a week, spinning, gym classes, etc. I couldn't believe it!!
When I first tried running I could barely run a 1/4 of a mile. I would look ahead and say.."OKay, I'm going to run to the lamp post." I have to say, sometimes I could do it, and sometimes I couldn't. I worked my way up and would tell myself I'm not running less than 2 miles, I'm not running less than 3 miles today, etc. Now, I run and don't feel accomplished unless I'm running at least 4-5 miles every time I go out.
I had an ex coworker of mine who was a BEAST @ running. She finally talked me into running a race with her through NYRR. I trained and my first race was a 10k (6.2miles). It was called the Splash & Dash. It was in Central Park in the middle of July. It was hotnhumid, to say the least. We ran our 10K and made our way over to the CP Swimming pool to swim for a while. I remember finishing that first race and feeling so accomplished! I remember crying along the way and thinking I can't believe I'm doing this! I felt amazing! I just had to keep going. How could I stop now? So, through that summer and through the rest of the year I continued those races and Yuko started talking to me about qualifying for the the marathon and what I had to do to qualify. I decided I was going to do it!! I registered thru NYRR, paid my dues, talked my 2 running buddies (Crazy Diana and BigDaddy) into crazily qualifying w/me and HERE WE ARE!!! All 3 of us paid our dues, ran our 9 races last year, did our volunteering, and now we are 16 WEEKS away from our goal!!!!!!! None of us can believe it and we're all getting motivated and ready to start training!! I don't think any of us are trying to beat a record. We just want to do our best and make it through the finish line! We will travel through all 5 boroughs that day. It will be an experience NONE of us will ever forget. There will be family, friends, and strangers along the way to keep us going, cheering us on, and dancing our way through!
I'm writing this blog for a few reasons. (so I don't bore you I'll only list a couple).
Reason #1, I think it will make me feel accountable. I need to be accountable to you and to myself and feel I am not able to slack on this training and this goal of mine. I want you to ask me about my accomplishment for the day and what I did get movin' that week!
Reason #2, I see A LOT of my friends on Facebook who run, have recently started to run, and do a ton of exercise/workouts like I try to do. I want to be motivated by them (as I currently am) and hope I can motivate others to accomplish goals in life, in running, and in health in general.
So, I'm going stay accountable to you and to myself and commit to this 16 week training program I have outlined for myself. I'm going to commit to updating this blog at least once every week. This way I can read your stories and cheer you on and you can read my stories and cheer me on! God knows I'm going to need it. I need your inspiration through the sweat and tears for the next 4 months! Stay w/me through this and I know we can all accomplish in 2012 what we have set GOALS for!!!
Here we go! I'll be up bright and early tomorrow morning to get my 4 miles in before the day begins.
LETS GO!!!!!! (as one of my biggest motivators likes to say)
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